I'm going to start this new feature on the blog, tracking my week and accounting for my time. I'm hoping it'll keep me accountable for all the things I do, need to do, and want to do, and it'll give you a glimpse into my days.
This week has been unusual, for so many reasons, least of all, it was my son's birthday week (16!!! I'm not sure how that's possible because I just graduated high school myself like ten seconds ago, so there must be some timewarp nonsense going on around here), so a lot of my normal activities were subverted by that. But let's start, shall we?
I started out the day with errands and birthday shopping, only to receive a text from my mother, inviting us over after my son finished with his summer school class. RECORD SCRATCH. So off we went to spend the rest of the day with her. We had a wonderful time, and while my daughter splashed in my mom's blow-up pool, I spent three hours working on my grandmother's cross-stitch table runner. :)
Birthday shopping. I'm usually much more ahead of the game than I was this year, but we've had a lot going on, so it fell to the wayside. I did go to the town to the south of us to visit a gaming store for my son, who has gotten into Dungeons and Dragons with his friends, so that was an adventure! By the time we got home, it was time to start dinner. Long day there!
I spent the day emailing my Congresscritter (twice!) and arguing with people online that it's not difficult to treat human beings with dignity and kindness (apparently, this is very, very difficult and treating others like garbage is exactly what Jesus taught? I must have missed that one in the years upon years of religious education I had growing up). I don't usually spend as much time online as I did this day, but there was so much going on that I felt the responsibility to pay attention. I did finish by memorizing the last bits of French vocabulary from Chapter 16 of the first Harry Potter with my Anki app, so there's that.
We went for groceries (three stores! Two or three is normal for me. They're all within about five miles of each other, so the savings we get from visiting so many stores is worth it). When we got to store #2, an employee said, "Oh, you're here too early! Curious George won't be here until 10!" Say what now??? Turns out people from our local PBS station, along with Curious George, were making an appearance at that store; I'd had no idea. So we hit up store #3, then came back to #2 for...
this guy! My daughter wasn't hugely excited by it, to be honest. When she saw him, she shrieked (loudly), "That thing is REAL!!!" She begrudgingly agreed to the photo op, but just barely. She was a lot happier with the wife-and-husband musical duo that performed prior to George. I emailed my Congresscritter again, made dinner, and spent the evening finishing a book from my Goodreads list.
My daughter and I started off the day with a trip to Target, from which we almost didn't return home due to nearly every street leading to our house was flooded due to a massive downpour and the sewers that just couldn't keep up. What should have taken 10 minutes ended up taking about 40, and then I had to put towels down in the basement where we get water every time it rains like that. UGH. I wrapped all my son's birthday gifts and then spent most of the rest of the day with him and got a little writing done that night.
Daughter's gymnastics class meets on Saturday mornings, so in between watching her, I read a book from my shelves (I'm not loving it, but I'm almost done, so I'll finish). I got more writing done- between Friday and Saturday, I hit nearly a thousand words, which is a pretty great re-entry into writing after not being able to (due to my computer having died back in the winter) for so long. I cleaned for the party, which included washing those waterlogged towels in the basement, baked two cakes, and practice the piano for a bit (FINALLY!).
This was a DAY. I ran to two stores picking up things for the party (seriously, sending a vegetarian to pick out burgers and hot dogs for a barbecue is a terrible idea! Where is this stuff? What do I buy? I was laughing hysterically at my incompetence in this area and had the cashier laughing with/at me as well), then came home and frosted the cakes.
I mean...not well. Pinterest-worthy, they are not, but they were eaten all the same!
After that, I mowed our lawn. It was HOT, and I had to stop twice to rest and cool off, because I was starting to feel like passing out.
But look what I discovered when I was mowing! TOMATO BABIES!!!
After showering and eating a small lunch, I finished cleaning and doing party prep, and then it was time for my son's birthday party. We had a house full of family and teenage friends, and it was a great day. :)
So here's to hoping that next week will be more productive! How did your week go?