How many half-finished projects do you have lying around your house?
That scarf you started knitting but stopped after a few days. The materials for a language you New Years resolutioned to learn and then never got into. All those books you bought, so enthusiastic to read, now growing dusty on a shelf, an instrument you abandoned years ago, cookbooks that were going to revolutionize your kitchen before you forgot about them, the Pinterest projects you pinned while swearing that this time, you'd actually make it...
We all have those, and I'm no different. I'm Stephanie, and lately I've been doing a lot of contemplation on resources: what we have, what we own, and how we use them (or don't use them!). It's true that at this point in my life, I really do own most of what I need and want, and there's really no need for me to acquire more. What I need is to focus on the projects that I already have around me, the things I thought would be fun and amazing (and they are!) before I got distracted by another shiny new fun and amazing project. New is fun, but it doesn't help reach the finish line of everything I've already started.
(And just so we're clear, I absolutely recognize the very big difference between abandoning a project because you got distracted by something new, and abandoning it because it didn't bring you joy. By all means, we all should run screaming from anything that doesn't really make us happy. Life is far too short to trudge through to the end of a project simply to be able to say we finished. Do what fulfills you and finish those projects to completion!)
Join me as I finish what I start. What you'll see here are my adventures in frugality and saving money, cooking and using up food in creative ways (food waste is a HUGE issue for me!), various craft projects (knitting, cross-stitch, embroidery, crochet, sewing, etc), book reviews and posts about books, writing, music, language learning, all the things that I'm trying to squeeze into my daily life of being a mom to two very busy kids! I'm glad to have you on this journey with me, and I hope that along the way, you too will take a deeper look at all your projects and maybe be inspired to finish what you've started, too.
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