Thursday, January 27, 2022

What's Been Going On: Monday, 24 January - Thursday, 26 January, 2022

 Little bit different of a post today.

So, Monday was a normal day. I did all my normal things, cooking, cleaning, reading, etc. Around 4pm, when I hauled the trash cans to the curb, I kept feeling dizzy, but just kind of shrugged it off. It happened a few more times throughout the evening.

Around 1:15 am Tuesday morning, I woke up with my head roaring. Migraines are nothing new for me, unfortunately (and at this point, it may be time to talk to my doctor about a preventative). Meds kicked it down to a dull roar, but I still felt terrible. Migraines are a full-body experience for me; I get chills and sweats, stomach problems, sometimes I vomit, it's just all-around unpleasant. But the real problem came later, when I took my temperature. I took it several times, and the highest it was was 101.9 F. 

Not good.

At-home rapid tests came up negative, but Omicron doesn't always cooperate with those, so we kept my daughter home from school (no sense in her potentially spreading an asymptomatic case, if that's what's going on; she has no symptoms or issues whatsoever right now), and she and I went off for the more accurate PCR tests at 9:20 yesterday. Results can take up to three days.

I'm feeling maybe slightly more human today. My head was still pounding a bit when I woke up; whether that's from the leftover migraine, COVID, or dehydration (this could definitely be part of it; I know I haven't been drinking as much as I should, and with all the sweating...not good, again). The ibuprofen I took is helping, as is the coffee I drank (first in days!) and the sugar-free Powerade I'm drinking. I'll keep hydrating throughout the day, and we'll go from there!

So basically, the past two days have been me lying in bed, feeling crummy. Not exactly a fun time, but it could be worse. Hopefully I'll be on the mend soon, and I'll update when our results come in. I hope you're all doing better than I am! :) 


  1. Dear Stephanie,
    ...oh no!...I hope you feel better very soon...

    1. Thank you, Teresa! Tests came back negative, so I will *definitely* be taking my doctor up on her offer of a migraine preventative at my appointment in March! Still feeling weak and run down, but not as bad as I did on Tuesday and Wednesday, thank goodness!!!
