Sunday, April 3, 2022

Monthly Goals Update: March 2022

 Here we are again, at the start of another new month! I keep having to remind myself that slow progress on my projects is still progress, and I don’t have to get everything done all at once. I’m doing my best, and that’s all anyone can ask for (especially me. No one is harder on me than I am on myself!). Life looks a little different than it did when I made out this list, so I need to adjust accordingly. It’s tough!

Here's where I’m at so far, in terms of my goals for the year.


Read 100 books.


March wasn’t a great month for reading, unfortunately, but I’m picking the pace up a little right now. I have zero doubt I’ll make this goal for the year, though. Summer and long, lazy days of reading on my backyard swing are coming!!!


Subgoal: read all the ebooks on my list.

No progress on this one. I still have the original ten books on my list!


Sew at least one thing.

Not yet. I do think I know what’s going on with my sewing machine (I think it’s a problem with one of the spool pins), so that’ll be helpful. Next up will be trying to see if I can fix it or if it needs to see a sewing machine doctor!


Knit at least one thing.

In progress! My log cabin blanket is coming along swimmingly!


I have other projects in mind here. I want to knit some lightweight produce bags so I can move away from using those plastic bags when I buy produce. I also have a bunch of sock yarn that I bought at a thrift store years ago that I would like to turn into some socks, so I may go back and forth between these projects and the blanket. : )


Crochet at least one thing.

Nothing picked out yet.


Finish my grandmother’s cross-stitch.



Work my way through Prayerbook Hebrew the Easy Way.

No progress on this this month; I haven’t made the time to study. Possessive endings are really intimidating to me, so I’ve been putting off studying, but I’ve actually got the book open next to me now!


Read at least one book in French.

So, I said when I started this that I was going to read Le Petit Prince and something else, but with homeschooling devouring SO much of my time, I may have to count Le Petit Prince as my one book and consider anything else I manage to squeeze in as gravy. This is one of those ways I’m going to try to be flexible!

No progress on this this month, but I’m going to work on this a bit this afternoon. : )


Bonuses: write something and get it published.

LOLOLOLOLOL no writing has been done.


Do at least six drawings.



Watch more Karl Johan.

Absolutely not.


I suppose it’s not as bad as I originally feared! I’m just going to have to give myself some leeway. Progress is being made around here: on Friday, my daughter wrote me a note, and every word was spelled correctly. Her spelling was nowhere near as good two months ago, so I’m absolutely thrilled about the progress she’s making learning at home. If I have to slow my goals and progress down a little so she can grow, I’m happy to do it.

Onward to making progress in April, friends! We can do it! How was your March?


  1. The blanket will be gorgeous when done- already is.

    1. Thank you! I love randomly colored blankets where nothing matches or goes together. I have a huge crocheted one I made last year out of various sorts of scrap yarn that I absolutely adore. I'm having a lot of fun putting this one together. :)
