Thursday, September 1, 2022

What's Been Going On: Monday, 29 August, 2022 - Wednesday, 31 August, 2022

Another super busy week!

It’s toasty here again. Not surprising; it’s usually gross this time of year. The highs the next few day are going to be in the upper 80’s, which is actually cool compared to what I’m seeing from other people around the country. Eek! If you’re in the path of this awful heatwave, be careful. Stay cool, and keep yourself hydrated.

School is going well; some days are better than others, but so far (knock on wood), we’re having more good days than bad days, and that’s not nothing. Our afternoons are pretty great; we get all the intense, harder subjects out of the way in the morning, so afternoons are spent with a pile of science, history, and geography books, and we read, read, read! I love it, and my daughter does, too.

Here's what I’ve been up to so far this week!


Monday, 29 August, 2022

I got dressed, had breakfast and coffee, then posted my review for A Place at the Table by Saadia Faruqi and Laura Shovan over at my book blog. I finished writing and then posted Monday’s post. I did thirty minutes of volunteer work, got a batch of lentils in the Instant Pot, filled and ran the dishwasher, scooped the litterbox, and then it was time for school.

We started our day with On This Day in History, geography (Paraguay), and a few paragraphs about Henry Hudson. Math…did not go well. My daughter moaned, complained, and dragged her feet for two hours through math she knows how to do. Afterwards, we did a unit of Language Arts and then some spelling.

After lunch we read A World of Wonders by J. Patrick Lewis, chapter 1 of 10 Rivers That Shaped the World by Marilee Peters (the Awash River), chapter 4 of Around the World in 100 Years (Columbus. Ugh), pages 77-94 of Before Columbus, and chapter 5 of History Smashers: The Mayflower. My daughter wrote out her spelling words and her vocabulary, and then started on her math worksheets while I went into the kitchen.

I emptied and refilled the dishwasher, sauteed an onion, and made a lentil loaf and a salad. The loaf went into the oven, and I took out the recycling and compost, then I sat down to do more volunteer work while my daughter moaned and complained her way through her math. My husband ended up coming upstairs and she let him help her (she was refusing my help; she often sees me as the bad guy in this situation since I’m the one ‘making’ her do this work). I ended up getting my remaining hour and a half of volunteer work done while she was doing her math. (Math took up about FOUR HOURS of our day. Actual math work: ~30 minutes. Moaning and complaining about doing the work: 3.5 hours. Not even joking.)

After dinner, I filled and ran the dishwasher, took out the trash and recycling, put dinner away, replaced the trash bag, and hauled the cans to the curb. I did my Duolingo, then went on a 2.1-mile walk with my husband and daughter, who definitely needed to get outside!

I showered, then finished reading The Outside World by Tova Mirvis, and started reading Hitler’s Furies by Wendy Lower. My husband and I watched one episode of Unusual Suspects before bed.


Tuesday, 30 August, 2022

After breakfast and coffee, I got dressed, then brought in the frozen butternut squash from the garage freezer. I made a batch of butternut squash tomato soup in the Instant Pot, took out the compost, swept the kitchen, emptied and refilled the dishwasher, and got a batch of bread dough started in the bread machine. I wrote out the day’s math and language arts worksheets (we don’t own a printer), and it was time to get school started.

We started with On This Day in History, geography (Peru), and a few paragraphs about the beginnings of slavery in the US. Math went super fast today and there were no issues whatsoever! We did a unit of language arts and spelling, and then it was time for lunch.

I got the dough into rolls to rise, and then we got back to work. We read pages 1-23 of Atlas of Adventure by Rachel Williams, chapters 5 and 6 of Around the World in 100 Years, chapter 2 of 10 Rivers That Shaped the World (the Tigris and Euphrates), and finished Before Columbus. We read chapter 6 of History Smashers: The Mayflower, and my daughter did her spelling practice, and then school was done EARLY!!! (The rolls had baked somewhere in here.)

We tidied up our school stuff, and then it was off to the library, where I grabbed a book that was on my ebook list (but was no longer available as an ebook through my library), plus another book on my list. I read almost all 20 pages of my daily bit of Come and Hear while we were there. At home, I relaxed for a few minutes on the computer, then blended the soup, and my son and I were off on a 4.1-mile walk.

We ate dinner, I did my Duolingo, put together the worksheets for the next day, and showered. I put my daughter to bed, read my remaining pages of Come and Hear, then continued reading Hitler’s Furies. My husband and I watched one episode of Unusual Suspects before bed.


Wednesday, 31 August, 2022

After coffee and breakfast, I made out my grocery lists, emptied and refilled the dishwasher, got dressed, and then we started school.

We started with On This Day in History, geography (the Philippines), and a few paragraphs about the Pilgrims. Math was so-so this day; she dragged her feet and complained during the lesson, but got through the work just fine. Language Arts went swimmingly; I was really pleased with her explanatory paragraph about Nasreen’s Secret School. We did some music practice; I’m teaching her the recorder, and she loves it so far!

We paused for lunch, then spent the afternoon doing art together. I started out trying to draw one thing, but it didn't work out at all; I'm no artist, and I'm still very much in the learning stages of figuring out how to draw at all. But then I tried something else, and ended up with some flowers and a slightly lopsided gnome. I don't hate it. : )

My daughter worked on making a giant piece of art: turning our living room into a jungle. She has such big ideas. : )

My husband was a little later than normal, so my daughter and I ran over to the library to pick up a book they had in for me (the last ebook on my list! The ebook wait is something like 258 days, so I opted for the physical copy). While we were there, we also picked up a bunch of new science books, a science video, and a bunch of other books for me. A super awesome library trip!

My husband got home not long after we did, so my son and I took off then. We hit up three different grocery stores (we got marked-down apples and tomatoes; potatoes were finally on sale – one type – and at a slightly more acceptable price – another type; clementines were finally both on sale AND in stock!), and returned books at a different library, then came home to put everything away and cook the pizza. I ate dinner, wrote out this post, then did my Duolingo. I showered, finished reading Come and Hear on the porch read my regular book in bed, and my husband and I watched one episode of Unusual Suspects before bed.


And that’s it! I’m up SUPER early this morning with a stress-related headache. It’s another busy day here; along with school and all the usual jazz, I’m going over to watch my nephew tonight while my sister-in-law has parent-teacher conferences at her school. He and my daughter will play, masked, outside, so we’re still being safe and taking precautions, and I don’t mind helping out. It’s nice to be able to lend a hand. Wish me luck for a good day in our schoolwork, though; I never know what kind of day I’ll get around here!

Have a wonderful end of the week, friends! : )

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