Friday, November 26, 2021

Friday Links: 26 November, 2021

 It's Black Friday! Are you hitting the stores today? I went *once*, many, many years ago, and said NEVER AGAIN when I was in line. It was awful. My husband ran out this morning to pick up a few odds and ends, nothing Black Friday related, and said the stores were fairly empty. 

I'm having a very slow, quiet morning. I came down with an absolutely wretched migraine last night and ended up in bed at 7:30. Still a little headachey this morning, but zero other symptoms (my migraines are full-body affairs. Fortunately, I don't get them very often, but I think my body had been trying for one all this past week. I'm hoping I'll be good for a long time now!).

Not much in the terms of reading material this week, since I haven't spent much time online, but here's what I've got:

The Race to Understand 'Immune Amnesia'

Fascinating read about how the measles basically wipes out your immune system's entire memory and you have to rebuild your immunity to everything from scratch. It's something scientists are just now developing a good understanding of, despite measles having been around forever (being married to a scientist, I see a lot of this in action- bodies are complex and it's not always easy discovering the 'why.' All those memes out there disparaging the CDC for constantly changing directives on Covid- that's science in action. Recommendations change based on new information they've discovered about how the virus works, is transmitted, and affects us; that's how science works!). I'm wondering what discoveries we'll make about how Covid-19 affects the body's various systems. 

Amid Covid-19, Most Churches Provide Hybrid Worship, Half Stopped Picnics

So, this whole article is pretty fascinating. The data comes from the first year of what will be a five-year study of churches during the pandemic. 17% of churches had one or more members die of Covid; 37% had at least one staff member test positive for the virus. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more results from this ongoing study (and Religion News Service is a really great social media follow, if you don't follow them already). 

That's it for this week. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! My daughter and I are supposed to get vaccinated later on today- her with #2, the booster for me. I had a rough 24 hours with #2, so I've got a whole lot of nothing planned for the next few days, just in case! : ) 

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