Friday, December 21, 2018

A quick update!

Hey, friends! Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate, and a lovely December to those of you who don't!

Sorry for disappearing so abruptly. If you remember, I got sick after shoveling the driveway. That set of some kind of...exhaustion flare of some sort. Every once in a while I get this fatigue that will not die, where the most I can handle doing is the bare minimum to keep my house and life going, and the rest of the time I spend either sleeping or wishing I could sleep. And that's what happened there. I'd get up in the morning, slog through the day, nap for two hours in the afternoon (and wake up still feeling like I've been hit by a truck), slog through the rest of the day, doze on the couch in the evening, and then go to bed. Lather, rinse, repeat.

And then my daughter got sick, too.

Basically, the past two or three weeks have looked like some version of this:

No one's getting anything done here.

My daughter got slammed hard. Nasty respiratory infection with a cough that was so violent, she vomited often when she coughed, plus a double ear infection. She barely slept at all from Sunday to Thursday that week, so once again, bare minimum just to exist and keep the basics of life running.

And then I got sick AGAIN. My ears (or maybe it's my sinuses and just feels like my ears? Who knows) are totally clogged and everything sounds like it's coming through a tunnel, and I've been coughing again like crazy (when I'd almost kicked it before my daughter got sick). Kids, the adorable little germ factories that keep on giving!

Couple that with what little I've managed to do in regards to Christmas prep, and the chronic pain (the last set of injections don't seem to have helped at all) and it's just been exhausting. Give me a bit to recover from all the holiday traveling and I'll be back, I promise! :)

May you all have a lovely new year! 


  1. Merry Christmas!...hope you feel better...

    1. Thank you so much, I'm getting there! :) Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Feel better. It stinks when mom gets sick. The house just keeps going though. Hope you and your daughter feel better. Merry Christmas.

    1. Thank you! I'm definitely much better now (took down the Christmas tree today!), and I'm looking forward to getting back into my old routine. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :)
