Sunday, July 3, 2022

Monthly Goals Update: June 2022

And just like that, it’s July!

Crazy how fast time moves. I’ve still got so much work to do to get us ready for school in mid-August, though we’ve already started doing math (thankfully, that doesn’t need any planning; the curriculum is extremely straightforward and we were able to dive right in). Planning has taken up a lot of my time, but it’s something I’m happy to do, though I wish I didn’t have to do it inside!

I’m still so surprised how well my daughter has taken to being homeschooled. She still doesn’t want to go back to school. Occasionally, she’ll have a moment of missing it (mostly the ‘other kids’ part of it), but 99% of the time, she’s adamant that she doesn’t want to go back and she wants to keep being homeschooled. I never would’ve predicted that. This morning, she’s having an outdoor playdate at a park with a friend from her former school, so she’s really looking forward to that (my husband is taking her; the friend is coming with HER dad, so the guys are having a dude playdate as well, haha).

Anyway, here’s how I did this month. Progress some places, not so much in others. Such is life.


Read 100 books.


If I don’t get there next month, it’ll be right after. Slower than usual, but that’s par for the course in this season of life. I’m happy that I’ve been able to focus enough to read 83 books this year at all, though. That’s really not a given, the state of the world being what it is.


Subgoal: read all the ebooks on my list.

Progress! Down to five ebooks left (and there would have been fewer, but they were all checked out when I last looked). Pretty happy about that!


Sew at least one thing.

Nope! No progress on this front.


Knit at least one thing.


Progress! I *could* stop here; it’s long enough to make for a decent lap blanket, but I would like it to be a little wider, so I’m going to keep going with it for a bit.


Crochet one thing.

As I said before, I’m kind of a one-project at a time person. I’ve got plans to make this earwarmer for my daughter, but I’m doing my best to get the blanket finished first. IF the weather gets cold and the blanket is still on the needles, I’ll take a break and whip this up quickly, since it’s only a small project.


Work my way through Prayerbook Hebrew the Easy Way.

This is the one thing I really can’t seem to find space for, unfortunately. I *will* get to it, but I’m just not sure when. Hebrew is a tough, tough language, grammatically, so it takes up a lot of mental space when I’m actively working on it, and with everything else I’ve had going on this year, the spoons for this just haven’t been there, as much as I want them to be.


Read at least one book in French.

I did make some progress in Le Petit Prince this past month! \o/ I’m now over halfway through the book, so things are looking up. More to come this month!


Bonus: write something and get it published.

Zero time for this.


Do at least six drawings.

I really hoped I’d have something to show here this far into the year, but come August, I should. We’re going to arrange our school weeks so that Wednesdays are our art and music days (in addition to doing a unit of math first), and I’m planning to do art right along with my daughter.


Watch more Karl Johan.

I wish.


So, overall, not a bad month. Progress, not perfection and all that.

My son and I are going to head out and go geocaching in a little bit while my husband and daughter hit the park for their playdate. (So long as my body cooperates, that is; I had another migraine yesterday, but thanks to catching it almost immediately, like within a minute of the flashes-of-light starting, and two doses of prescription rescue meds, I was able to keep it decently controlled. I already took a dose of Excedrin Migraine this morning just to ward off anything lurking in the shadows…) It’s a beautiful day out, so I’m sure we’ll have fun. And then I come home and read, and cook, and – ugh – do laundry. So fun!

How are you all doing on your monthly goals?


  1. Hi Stephanie,
    ...I love making lists and crossing things've accomplished a lot for sure...and your blanket looks awesome!
    ~Have a lovely day!

    1. I'm doing okay! I'm definitely learning to be happy with what I've managed. This year threw a few extra spanners in the works, so readjusting has been the name of the game. Flexibility is a must, as I've been telling my daughter. :) Have a great day! :)
