Thursday, July 28, 2022

What's Been Going On: Monday, 25 July - Wednesday, 27 July, 2022

Good morning! Quiet week around here so far, which is nice. I appreciate a good quiet week now and then. And check this out: my garden has produced ONE ZUCCHINI!!! Master gardener certification, here I come, haha!

The end of summer and the beginning of school are creeping up on us quickly. The first of several shipments of books for my daughter’s Language Arts curriculum arrived here this morning, and I spent yesterday getting together a list of books about various groups of Indigenous Americans (and written BY members of those groups!). I’m excited and looking forward to learning right along with her this year. I’ll do more prep this afternoon. Even that is enjoyable for me, although I’ve added a bunch of books to my own want-to-read list based on stuff I’ve found!

Here's what I’ve been up to so far this week. : )


Monday, 25 July, 2022

After coffee, I wrote and posted Monday’s post, then edited and posted a review of several graphic novels over on my book blog. I emptied, filled, and ran the dishwasher, then got dressed and ready.

And then we started to had out the door to go to the library, but we realized very quickly that both my purse and my daughter’s carseat had gotten left in my husband’s car, which was in Chicago. Bummer! Instead, I did some dinner prep, then settled down for thirty minutes of volunteer work. I hung out on the computer for a little bit, then it was time for lunch.

After we ate, I did more dinner prep and took out the compost, then we read out on the porch, where I finished Outdoor Kids in an Inside World by Steven Rinella. When my husband got home, my daughter and I were finally able to make our library run, and we also stopped by the Dollar Tree, where I bought a new litterbox scoop to replace the one that broke.

We went home and I got the rice in the rice cooker. We had dinner – a lovely chickpea cauliflower curry – and then my son and I went on a three-mile walk. I put dinner away, did my Duolingo, and showered. I put my daughter to bed (we started reading A Picture for Marc by Eric A. Kimmel, about the artist Marc Chagall, a PJ Library selection), read and finished The Length of a String by Elissa Brent Weissman, then began reading Pressure Cooker: Why Home Cooking Won’t Save Us by Sarah Bowen, Joslyn Brenton, and Sinikka Elliott. My husband and I watched one episode of Unusual Suspects before bed.


Tuesday, 26 July, 2022

After coffee, I scooped the litterbox with my new scoop, then did an hour of volunteer work. I posted my review for Abby, Tried and True by Donna Gephart on my book blog, filled and ran the dishwasher, then got dressed and ready.  And then we were out the door on an adventure to a food co-op a half hour away, in search of bulk nutritional yeast, which I haven’t been able to find in AGES. And they had it!!! To say I was excited was an understatement. It’s a little bit of a pain to get to that store; there’s only on-street parking, which I loathe, but it’s worth it. Nutritional yeast is awesome!

At home, we had lunch and I took out the compost, then my daughter and I ran out to pick up a new-in-package set of sheets from Freecycle. I prepared dinner, Velvety Vegan Alfredo and a batch of green beans, and my son and I went on a four-mile walk. Everything is in bloom at the local flower garden!

I hung out on the computer while the pasta boiled, and we had dinner (I added spinach to the pasta sauce. I prefer that to broccoli), then I did my Duolingo, put dinner away, and showered. I had a BUNCH of computer issues and struggled to fix those, then finally went upstairs to read my book. My husband and I watched one episode of Unusual Suspects before bed.


Wednesday, 27 July, 2022

After coffee, I finished up my volunteer work for the week, then I made out my grocery list. I filled and ran the dishwasher, got dressed and ready, and had a quick breakfast, and then my daughter and I were out the door to the library…where we turned in our summer reading sheets and promptly forgot to pick up my interlibrary loan. DRAT!

At home, I did a bunch of homeschool prep, had an early lunch, and attended a Zoom webinar with author Menachem Kaiser, about his book Plunder, which is on my list but which I haven’t gotten to yet. I emptied and refilled the dishwasher, then did a ton more homeschool prep. My son and I left for groceries (whew. $$$$$); we hit up three stores, returned books at one library, and picked up my interlibrary loan at our local branch.

At home, I put the groceries away, threw together the salad, and cooked the pizza. We had dinner, I did my Duolingo, then I showered and read outside for a bit. I put my daughter to bed, read my book, and my husband and I watched one episode of Unusual Suspects before bed.


And that’s it! I’ll be doing more homeschool prep this weekend, along with catching up on book reviews again (four behind this time, plus I need to write all my monthly updates, eek!). Always so much to do!

Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the week! : )

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