Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Monthly Goals Update: January 2022

 We’re one month into 2022, friends! How are we all doing on our New Years goals???

I’m going to make this a monthly post, on or around the 1st of the month, depending on what day it falls on. If the 1st falls on a regular posting day for me, I’ll push the monthly goals update a little further back, but I’d like to keep myself accountable for what I’ve set out to do! I have the list here in the original post, and I'll check in, goal-by-goal, each month to see where I'm at! 

Here's where I’m at so far on all the goals I set.


Read 100 books.


Bit of a slow start for me, but I had quite a few days of no reading at the end of the month, what with the Killer Migraine of Doom, but progress is progress, and I’ll take it! 14/100.

Subgoal: Read all the ebooks on my list.

Twenty-four of the books on the list of books I want to read from my library are ebooks; as of right now, I've read eleven of them, and I'm currently working on another one! Some of these had been on my list long enough that my library no longer owns them as ebooks, but the goal still stands and I’m reading those in paper format, thanks to interlibrary loan.


Sew at least one thing.

No progress yet, though my daughter and I did have a discussion about what I might sew, so I have a few ideas!


Knit at least one thing.

Currently I’m working on the squares for the memory blankets for the children of my friend who died of cervical cancer. I’m not going to count these as my one item; I’ll eventually find something else that I want to knit.


Crochet at least one thing.

Nothing worked on or decided yet.


Finish my grandmother’s cross-stitch.


If it hadn’t been for the Killer Migraine of Doom that took me out for so long last week, I would have finished this already! I’m SO close to being done. SO close. The set of grapes pictured above is the final thing that needs to be backstitched, and then the piece will need to be ironed. And then it'll be completed! I'll make a new post when that happens.


Work my way through Prayerbook Hebrew the Easy Way.

I’m making good progress. I've completed four chapters so far, and I’ve already noticed that I read quicker and with greater ease than I did before. (Occasionally I can even pick out words that I see online that DON’T have the vowels, which feels huge.) I skipped this week, since Hebrew often makes my brain feel like soup anyway, even without being in a post-migraine stupor, but I’m looking forward to getting back to work on this!


Read at least one book in French.

I’m starting off with Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, as kind of my 0.5 book, my trainer book. It’s easier and lighter and I’m very familiar with it. I’m six chapters in (again, skipped this week; French is much easier for me than Hebrew, since I’ve been using it daily since I started learning it at 15, plus my husband is a native speaker, but I’m giving my brain a little get-better vacation) and enjoying it greatly. Still not sure what I’ll read next; I have SO many French books on my shelves, thanks to my mother-in-law!



Write something and get it published.

Haven’t had the chance to write much of anything other than blog posts this year.


Do at least six drawings.

Not yet!


Watch more Karl Johan.

Nope, not yet!


So basically, this month, I did a lot of reading and cross-stitching, but not much else, and that’s okay. My grandmother’s cross-stitch is my longest-running project and thus has been my first priority, and I’m extremely pleased with all the progress I’ve made this month. 

What’s on the docket in February? More reading, obviously; that’s just a given for me. More Hebrew and French as my brain cooperates. I’ll be finishing my knit squares, hopefully quickly, since those need to be sent out by the end of the month. And then we’ll go from there and I’ll maybe start looking for fun knitting and crocheting projects! Despite huddling under a blanket and feeling gross for a lot of days at the end of this month, I’m pleased with the progress I have made. Baby steps are still steps. : )

How are you doing on your yearly goals so far?  


  1. Hi Stephanie,
    ...I hope you continue to feel better...and I agree that you've made some amazing progress this month...your cross stitch is so beautiful...I can't wait to see it finished...and I definitely agree about baby steps...my Nanny used to say that you could accomplish a lot in 5 minutes and there were a lot of 5 minutes in a day...
    ~Have a lovely day!

    1. I love your Nanny's saying! It's so true. Hard to stick to sometimes, what with everything on the internet being SO interesting, but I suppose it's just another area in which we can develop discipline, right? :) Here's hoping for a productive February! Have a wonderful day!!! :)
