Friday, March 4, 2022

Friday links: 4 March, 2022

 Happy Friday! The end to another week, and for those of us in the northern hemisphere, one week closer to warmer weather! (Can you tell I’m getting excited about pulling my swing out of the garage?)

Not a bad week at all around these parts, just busy. Next week will be busy too, with two doctor appointments (just yearly checkups, nothing major). I did sign up for a volunteer project at my synagogue this week. It’s not until April, but I’m still really looking forward to it! It’s nice to have something on the schedule- besides doctor appointments, that is!

Here’s what I found interesting online this week!


At least 5.2 million children have lost a parent or caretaker to Covid-19, study estimates

Ouch. That’s a devastating number. Even if Covid didn’t affect kids as badly health-wise as it does adults (which is an entire myth), this is another consequence of this pandemic that we’re going to be grappling with for generations. Grieving kids, kids thrust into poverty after the death of the sole breadwinner in their family, kids traumatized over seeing their parent or caregiver suffer and worrying about the health of their surviving parent, kids who have to leave behind their home to go live with someone else because their parent passed or can no longer care for them…Covid affects kids in a lot of different ways. Not just health.


Twitter thread on the war in Ukraine. *CONTENT WARNING*

Daria’s Twitter thread illustrates the hell that is war. Be warned, though- there are some videos of things like planes zipping low in residential areas, complete with bombings, that are absolutely frightening to watch. Be warned and don’t watch it if it’s going to traumatize you or cause you distress you can’t handle right now. I’m sharing this because I think Ukraine is heavy on our hearts and in our minds right now, and this is their reality. I’m so worried for the Ukrainian people.


Use It Up, Wear It Out: Frugality from the Greatest Generation

I love articles about frugality! I’m a pretty frugal person, but every now and then, I need a little inspiration (who doesn’t?). It’s a good kick in the pants to have a reminder of why I do all of this, and of how important it is (these days, important for the environment, but in the past, it was important for the war effort). This article helped get me moving the other day when I didn’t feel like doing much; maybe it’ll inspire you as well!

Along those lines…


75 Old Fashioned Living Tips to Save Money Today

A similar article, but hey, the more, the merrier! You can never be too inspired!

And last but not least…


You’ll probably need a second Covid booster shot – here’s when experts say it could happen.

Just a heads-up. They’re saying (as they have for a bit) that Covid vaccines will likely end up being annual, like flu shots, and that’s fine by me. I’ve seen articles talking about how they’re working to combine the two into one shot, which would be nice; that way, we could knock them both out of the way at one time, with only one poke and half the needles used! Getting the vaccine annually doesn’t bother me one bit; I get my flu shot every year and have for years, and needles… I grew up with my dad being a Type 1 diabetic. He gives himself multiple injections throughout the day in order to stay alive. No way would I whine about one extra shot every year, knowing what he’s gone through for over forty years now. (He’s a case of adult-onset Type 1. Rare indeed!)


That’s it for now! Tomorrow is a high of almost 70 degrees F here, so I’m thinking we’re definitely going to get outside and enjoy it while it lasts! (Possible dusting of snow on Monday, because of course.) Whatever your plans are this weekend, stay safe and enjoy yourselves! Shalom, friends. : )


  1. Hi Stephanie,
    ...the Covid death stats are still pretty staggering...and they don't seem to be reporting on them very much any more...but I'm definitely up for another booster when it comes out...we're still being just as careful as we can around here...and I love a good frugality article...
    ~Have a lovely day!

    1. 100% agree with you. It's a little scary how little attention the death stats are still getting. Like yesterday, there were still 1600 deaths. That's a HUGE amount of people, of ruined lives and devastated families. I get that we're all tired of this, but the virus isn't bothered at all by that. My N95 will be my constant buddy for a good long while yet, I think.

      And I always love frugality advice! There's not a lot out there I haven't seen, but the inspiration helps keep me going. :)
