Monday, March 21, 2022

What's Been Going On: Thursday, 17 March - Sunday, 20 March, 2022

 Bonjour, mes amis, and happy Monday! Such beautiful weather yesterday – today too! After that, the weather becomes more seasonal, with cool days, and some colder ones, but these little breaks help us remember that warmer days are coming, and things don’t seem quite so hard when we can remember that. : )

It was a mostly lazy weekend around here, something I *very* much needed. I don’t know if it was my hormones that were throttling me or what last week, but I was exhausted and the whole week felt as though it lasted twelve years long. I’m crossing everything that this week has a little more energy to it! I hope you’re raring to go this week as well.

Here’s what I've been up the past few days.


Thursday, 17 March, 2022

After having coffee, I wrote my Thursday post, posted it, and got dressed.

We started our day with On This Day in History and geography (Lebanon), then dove into math. We read about birds, read our science book, and read part of a book about slowing down and noticing the small things in nature (it’s part art, part science, and it’s lovely).

We took a break for lunch, and I emptied and reloaded the dishwasher. We got back to work with spelling and Language Arts, read more from our book about Congress (for someone who doesn’t like history, my daughter absolutely loved this book and thought it was super interesting), then got settled with our Read Harder/silent reading books for 30 minutes (I’m reading Everything You Need to Know About Asian-American History; my daughter is reading Matilda). We read a little bit of a book on outdoor science, and then, since it was so nice, we took science outdoors and my daughter cracked open some rocks on the back porch. She found a few with some sparkles inside, nothing crazy, but it was a fun experience for her!

I went upstairs to lie down and passed out almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. Dinner was reheated leftover soup, and I made some grilled cheese to go along with it. I did my Duolingo, and we all went on a two-mile walk to get some exercise. I showered, read, and went to bed, no TV watching this day.


Friday, 18 March, 2022

After coffee, I got dressed and scooped the litterbox, then loaded up the dishwasher. I wrote and posted my Friday post, then we got started with On This Day in History and geography (Lesotho). We did math, finished our book about birds, read from our two different nature books, then took a break to clean up the living room. We had lunch, and I got a batch of beans in the Instant Pot.

We did spelling and finished our book about the history of Congress, and my daughter did her extra math and spelling practice, and then we called it a week. I was exhausted.

I napped for a bit and then worked on some knitting. I made One Pot Southwest Pasta for dinner (cheap, tasty, low-effort!), then ran the dishwasher. I did my Duolingo and showered, worked on my Log Cabin blanket, then logged in for virtual Shabbat services at my synagogue (lovely as always!). I put dinner away and read for a bit, and my husband and I watched an episode of Deadly Women before bed.

Saturday, 19 March, 2022

Lazy Shabbat! After coffee, I wrote a book review (I’m SO behind!), got dressed, and my daughter and I went off to the library for school books, coming home with two bags full. After lunch, I took an EPIC nap – oh my goodness, it was awesome. I even woke up and fell back asleep at some point, which hardly ever happens! I read for a bit after I woke up, then knit while watching YouTube videos.

We had dinner, I biked for 20 minutes (my hip hurt too much for more), and I showered. I showered my daughter and put her to bed, I read Garbology by Edward Humes for a bit, and my husband and I watched one episode of Deadly Women before bed.


Sunday, 20 March, 2022

After breakfast and coffee, I unloaded and refilled the dishwasher and cleaned the very messy kitchen. I wrote another book review, got dressed, and organized my pile of clothing at the end of the bed. I cleaned the bathroom, took out the recycling, and we had a whole-family video chat with my mother-in-law.

After lunch, I started a load of laundry, and we took a three-mile walk. I was absolutely delighted to be able to catch a glimpse of some sort of animal, possibly a muskrat, swimming in the pond! I’m a terrible photographer and it was moving too quickly for me to even try to snap a photo, but what a thrill to know it’s there! 

At home, I took out the compost, then cleaned my daughter’s room (which *really* killed my back), switched the laundry and started another load, then loaded and ran the dishwasher. I sat down to knit while watching more YouTube (and was thrilled to find several updates from someone I follow who hadn’t updated in ten years! Super nice surprise).

After dinner, I worked on this post and switched more laundry around (lots of house laundry today too, ugh), then showered and did my Duolingo. I read my book, and my husband and I watched an episode of Deadly Women before going to bed. 

And that's it! Quiet wrap-up to the week, but I very much needed that. Little bit of something special on the docket for today; my mom is coming over! We're crossing our fingers and hoping for the best. Today will be the first time we've seen here since last year. We wouldn't be *quite* so cautious, but her husband isn't vaccinated *eyeroll* (I could list all the medical conditions he has that put him at much, much higher risk for a severe case of COVID, including a history of blood clots, but I'm sure you have other things to do and don't have the twelve hours this would take...), so we've had to really limit our contact with her. Which is unfortunately. But since case numbers are so low, we're going to take advantage (especially in case they go up again!). My daughter is *so* excited, she misses Grandma so much!

I hope you have a wonderful week full of sunshine and happiness! : )


  1. Our weekend was incredible! I'd like some more weeks but feel like we'll get another good dumping of snow.I want to do a top to bottom clean if my college kids room before Easter break. I think I'll need to splurge finally on a new vaccum as it will break the last life in mine!

    1. Haha, kids' rooms can certainly do a number on us AND our appliances! I won't be surprised at all if the weather swings around for another good sucker punch or two before winter finally skedaddles on out, but now that the end is in sight, BRING IT ON, I CAN TAKE IT!!! :D

  2. Hi Stephanie,
    ...look at you ROCKIN' that log cabin's really nice...I'm still recuperating from a bad haven't exercised in 5 days now...YIKES!...I know how frustrating it is to have an unvaccinated family member...
    ~Have a lovely day!

    1. Thank you for the compliment! So far, it's going well. I don't need it to be perfect, just cheerful. :) I hope you're feeling better and are on the mend; it's crazy how long simple colds can take to get over. Best to let the exercise go while you rest up and get back to normal. Hang in there!!!
