Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Monthly Goals Update: February 2022

 Here we are friends, two months of 2022 under our belts! How are you doing on those goals and resolutions?

I started the month out strong, and then, as you all know, things changed, as things often do. I now have far less free time on my hands, due to emergency homeschooling my daughter, so my priorities have shifted quite a bit, but I’m still working towards those goals I set- the work is just a little bit slower now, and that’s okay. Slow movement forward is still movement. :)

Here’s some of the progress I’ve made, or haven’t made, as the case may be!


Read 100 books.


Definitely a slow reading month for me. I count the chapter books my daughter and I read out loud at night, but I’m not counting the (sometimes lengthy!) books we’re reading during our school hours. If I counted those, I’d be done in no time!


Subgoal: Read all the ebooks on my list.

Ten ebooks left on my list! I haven’t made as much progress on the list this month as I’d like, since I got trapped under a stack of paper library books, due to my time crunch. Once I’m done with this stack, it’ll be back to the ebooks with me!


Sew at least one thing.

I did repair that sheet, but I want to create something. This will necessitate my figuring out what’s wrong with my sewing machine first, which I will do soon.


Knit at least one thing.

I finished the two squares for my friend’s memory blankets, and they’ve been shipped off to another friend, who will stitch them all together, but I want to knit something for myself. I have a few ideas, but nothing concrete picked out or cast on yet.


Crochet at least one thing.

Nothing picked out yet.


Finish my grandmother’s cross-stitch.

So I finished the table runner! And then I dug through the bin all her belongings are in and found the four napkins that go with it, so I’m working on those. One is finished; one is stitched and waiting to be backstitched; two are still waiting for me to finish completely. It’s getting there!


Work my way through Prayerbook Hebrew the Easy Way.

 I’ve completed six chapters! I would’ve been through much more if life hadn’t taken its sudden turn, but that’s okay. Slow progress is still progress. There are twenty-one chapters total, so I’m a little less than a third of the way through.


Read at least one book in French.

Oof. I haven’t touched my starter book, Le Petit Prince, in weeks. What with school and errands and having to get dinner ready and some days just being exhausted, I haven’t had any time to work on this. I’ll figure it out!



Write something and get it published.

Nothing written yet. I have a few ideas, but haven’t had time to put anything together.


Do at least six drawings.

Nope, not yet.


Watch more Karl Johan.

HA. Zero time for this.


So I guess this month wasn’t *quite* as bad as I thought it was, despite being laid up with two migraines and seeing my daytime hours whittled away to zero. I knit things for a friend; I did two chapters from my Hebrew book; I got *some* reading done, and I worked on my grandmother’s cross-stitch. The sewing machine is at least upstairs, though it seemed to be cranky when I attempted to use it last weekend. I’m going to make it a point to figure out what’s going on with it in March so I can at least get that going!

Hoping to get more Hebrew going in March as well, that’s super important to me to keep up with. It’s definitely not easy, but not all important things are, and that’s okay!

How are you doing with your yearly goals so far?


  1. You are doing very well on the reading goals. Me, not so well.

    We were under budget overall for the month of February, and I was even well under budget for my groceries as well. Hoping to continue this during March.

    God bless.

    1. Under budget is always good, I love when that happens!!!

      If this were a normal year, I'd actually be behind in reading! It's not abnormal for me to read 15-19 books per month, but with a massive chunk of my day going towards homeschooling, there simply isn't time. Plus I've had a few really long, heavy books in my queue, so that's slowed me down considerably. I'm looking forward to summer and long hours spent reading on my backyard swing. :)

      Have a wonderful day! :)

  2. Hi Stephanie,
    ...be kind to yourself...you are getting a lot done...I sometimes make lists...but then find that the pressure to check everything off is too stressful...
    ~Have a lovely day!

    1. Doing my best! There are just some things I'm going to have to let slide for a bit, and that's okay! Summer and a more relaxed schedule are coming, so I'll be able to get more done then, I hope! :)
