Thursday, March 10, 2022

What's Been Going On: Monday, 7 March - Wednesday, 9 March, 2022

 Almost there, almost to Friday! I get a half-hour more sleep these days, but I still love the weekend, because those thirty minutes just don’t count for much most days, amirite???

Not much going on so far this week; it’s been pretty quiet, to be honest. Nothing picture-worthy, that’s for sure! Just mostly quiet regular life, which is enough these days. : )

Here’s what I’ve been up to so far this week!


Monday, 7 March, 2022

I had breakfast and coffee, then got my Monday post edited and posted. I then edited and posted my review for The Day the World Stops Shopping by J.B. MacKinnon over on my book blog.

I got dressed and ready, then tidied and swept the living room, and filled and ran the dishwasher. My daughter and I started her school day with On This Day in History and geography (a virtual trip to Kenya). We did math and spelling, then read her book on ponds and rivers. We read more of the history of fashion, and read from the book on museum artifacts, and then it was time for lunch!

We squeezed in a few chapters of history after lunch, and then it was off to the doctor with me (my husband was home a few minutes early so I could head out). Just an annual lady parts checkup; all was well (though I had to run to the bathroom after I checked in so I could blow my nose! Stupid cold weather makes my nose run, and I didn’t want to be snuffling my nose like I was sick in the waiting room…), and I headed home afterwards, even though I kind of wanted to stop by the used bookstore. Alas, I didn’t need anything!

At home, I dozed for a bit, then unloaded the dishwasher and got dinner ready to go. I took out the garbage and recycling and hauled the cans to the curb, then replaced the garbage bag. I spent a few minutes on the computer, and then it was time for dinner- leftover butternut squash soup and grilled cheese.

I did my Duolingo, followed by a 15-minute Pilates workout (which has NOT gotten any more fun since the last time I did this, sigh). I showered, put dinner away and cleaned up, and then I put my daughter to bed. I read my book, and my husband and I watched one episode of Deadly Women before bed (neither of us recommend this show. It’s not very good, but yet we keep watching…)


Tuesday, 8 March, 2022

After breakfast and coffee, I posted my update about my completed cross-stich project. I tried to make a post on my book blog, but WordPress was having issues, which continued for me into Wednesday. Hmph.

My daughter was having a rough morning, so we snuggled for a bit before beginning our day with On This Day in History and geography (Kiribati, which isn’t pronounced how it looks, interestingly enough). We did math (which takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the lesson and how slowly my daughter is working), finished the history of fashion, read more pond and river, and read more museum artifacts. And then it was lunch.

We went through spelling and language arts and finished the current volume of A History of US, so we’ll head to the library this weekend for the next volume. We did our Read Harder/silent reading for 30 minutes (I’m reading Everything You Need to Know About Asian-American History, which is turning out to be both interesting and useful; my daughter is reading Matilda). I was *really* tired at this point, but I had work to do, so I settled down with a cup of coffee and did an hour of volunteer work.

When that was done, I filled and ran the dishwasher, made a batch of waffles and scrambled eggs with peppers and onions, and put my strawberry syrup that I’d made this weekend into ice cube trays in the freezer. After dinner, I did my Duolingo, repeated the same 15-minute Pilates workout from Monday, showered, read, put my daughter to bed, and read some more. My husband and I watched one episode of Deadly Women before bed.


Wednesday, 9 March, 2022

Breakfast and coffee, then I got dressed. I scooped the litterbox, unloaded and refilled the dishwasher, and finally got WordPress to let me update my book blog, using the very technical solution of logging out and logging back in again. I’m a computer genius! \o/ I posted my review for Anita Diamant’s Period. End of Sentence: A New Chapter in the Fight for Menstrual Justice and made out my grocery list.

We started the school day with On This Day in History and geography (North Korea, yikes!), then did math. We read more pond and river, museum artifacts, and a tiny bit of the history of voting. And then it was lunch.

School was rough on this day. My daughter had a serious case of ants in her pants and could not focus on anything. She was up and down, interrupting, picking at her fingernails, tearing the corners of her paper. This isn’t exactly new behavior for her, and I’ve often wondered if she’s going to eventually get the same ADD diagnosis her dad has. I’m going to have to do some reading and figure out the best way to work with her on this. Because when we started language arts, this just weren’t working, and we ended up having to call school off for a bit, because her focus was down to zero (she’s never had behavior problems at public school, but there are days when she comes out of school and just completely melts down on me, and I’ve always suspected that those are the days she’s been holding all this in and just lets it go on me because it’s safer than letting it go on her teacher. Poor kid). She did get it together enough for us to read a little more about the history of voting, and I left her with Papa to complete her math worksheet and a writing assignment.

I hit up two grocery stores today. Lentils were on sale at the lowest price they go, so I may go back and get some more. I also grabbed two packages of cheese ends, which always makes me happy! At home, I brought everything in, put it away, and returned to my chair for another hour of volunteer work.

I cooked the frozen pizzas (no fresh today!), and we had dinner. I did my Duolingo, then biked for 30 sweaty minutes (I’m DREADING the summer when it comes to biking…). I showered, worked on this post, then headed upstairs to read. My husband and I watched one episode of Deadly Women before bed.


And that’s it! Pretty quiet week so far. No big weekend plans; Saturday will be cold here, but Sunday warms up, so I’m hoping to get outside a little bit. I’d like to figure out a new knitting project, because as of this moment, I have no craft projects going! I have a few ideas, but I might need to play around a bit to see what I’m capable of. And I’d like to get some reading done, and some Hebrew studying. I need to stick with this chapter a bit longer; it’s tricky, and I want to make sure I have it down pat before I move on!

What have you been up to lately?


  1. Hi Stephanie,
    ...I love to sleep too...I really love to wake up early on the weekend and just open my eyes and realize (luxuriantly) that I can just go back to I do...I remember my Mom telling us a story about her brother who wanted them to be sure they would wake him up on Saturday...just so he could go back to's no fun if you just sleep through the experience...haha...and I'm also with you on the Pilates thing...I've tried it multiple times...and I prefer just regular calisthenics to friend Amy absolutely loves Pilates and goes several times a week to a class...I watched a documentary about periods...actually a young woman who was trying to supply homeless people with supplies...I'll try to find it and link it here...
    ~Have a lovely day!

    1. I love that you also watch documentaries! I'm a huge fan and have a bookmarks folder just of documentaries that I want to watch. I'll try to start linking what I watch here, in case they're something you might enjoy as well! I'd rather watch a documentary than just about anything else. :)
      I too love that moment of waking up and realizing you can go back to sleep! Not too much of that around here with my daughter, but it'll return as she grows older...hopefully, haha (watch her become the kind of teenager that loves waking up early!).
      Have an awesome week!!! :)
