Thursday, August 18, 2022

What's Been Going On: Monday, 15 August - Wednesday, 18 August, 2022

Happy Thursday! We’ve got a two-day heat wave passing through, and then things settle back into the comfortable 70’s, so that’s nice. We’ve been busy cleaning, organizing, and getting ready for the start of school Monday. Quite a few places around us have started already; my nephew went back on Wednesday. My daughter’s former school doesn’t start until the upcoming Wednesday, but we’ll get a head start on them and get the full week in when we start on Monday. Her grandma is already looking to the ‘not’ back to school photo! 

Here’s what I’ve been up to so far this week!

Monday, 15 August, 2022

After another terrible night of sleep (but thankfully the last of that string!), I had coffee, then finished writing and posted Monday’s post. I did 30 minutes of volunteer work, edited and posted my review of The Book of Elsie by Joanne Levy over on my book blog, got dressed and ready, and then my daughter and I were off to Walmart, where we bought cat food, cheese, and a marked-down pie. 

At home, I emptied and refilled the dishwasher, made an Instant Pot full of cauliflower potato soup (hadn’t made this in a while, had all the ingredients, and it sounded good!), made a batch of oatmeal rolls, then made a batch of fried rice with some leftover rice I had in the fridge. Good call there, because it was SO good!

After lunch, I took on the compost and got the rolls on trays to rise, then I read on the porch: two chapters of The Explosive Child, and I started reading A Place at the Table by Saadia Faruqi and Laura Shovan. I did another 30 minutes of volunteer work, had dinner, did my Duolingo,  took out the garbage, went on a 4-mile walk alone (sniff!), took the garbage and recycling to the curb, and put dinner away. After a shower, I put my daughter to bed, finished reading A Place at the Table and started reading Give a Sh*t by Ashlee Piper. My husband and I watched one episode of Unusual Suspects before bed.

Tuesday, 16 August, 2022

I scooped the litterbox (you’re welcome, kitty!), then had coffee and edited and posted my review for Outdoor Kids in an Inside World by Steven Rinella. I did 30 minutes of volunteer work, got dressed and ready, filled the dishwasher, then hung out on the computer until my son was ready, and it was off to his school, where he finally fully signed up for classes! Success! He won’t start until next month, but it’s a relief knowing he’s in.

After he finished there, we stopped by Five Below for a charging cable, and then it was home for lunch. I did my last 30 minutes of volunteer work, then read out on the porch, finishing The Explosive Child and reading all of When Stars Are Scattered by Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohamed. My daughter and I stopped at the library for more books for her; I also came home with two books, both of which are from my TBR list and one which was also on my ebook list! I prefer to read nonfiction on paper if I can, so I was happy to grab a paper copy of this.

At home, I filled and ran the dishwasher, then reheated last night’s soup, since it was a soup and grilled cheese night. After we ate, I did my Duolingo, and my son and I went on 3.2 mile walk. I showered, read my book, and my husband and I watched one Unusual Suspects before bed.

Wednesday, 17 August, 2022

After coffee, I made out my grocery list, posted my review for Pressure Cooker on my book blog, emptied and refilled the dishwasher, took out the compost and recycling, then deep-cleaned the kitchen, including scrubbing out the sink and scrubbing off the stove top. I started a load of laundry, tidied and swept the living room (with my daughter’s help on both!), then it was out to read on the porch. I was delighted to get a phone call from the library; I won the summer reading program’s gardening kit! My daughter covered herself in mud (don’t ask…), so I hosed her down in the shower before lunch. 

After we ate, we went to the library so I could pick up my prize:

And then we got our first stack of books for school!

At home, my daughter and I started our first foray into the We Interrupt This Broadcast book, reading about and listening to the broadcast of the Hindenburg Disaster. (Surprisingly rough to listen to!). My son and I went for groceries after my husband got home; we stopped by three stores, did a library return, and I picked up my husband’s prescription from Walgreens. Two stores were out of items they had advertised, so I may try to hit them up on another day. C’est la vie.

I put the groceries away, filled and ran the dishwasher, cooked the garlic knots and pizza, and worked on this post while they cooked. We ate dinner, I did my Duolingo, showered, put my daughter to bed, then read my book. My husband and I watched one episode of Unusual Suspects before bed.

And that’s it! We’re collecting more books for school today at a library a few towns away. Monday will be here before we know it, and we’ll be ready! I’m excited. Have I mentioned that? I’m really looking forward to this school year. If it were up to me, we’d start today! My daughter would never let me get away with THAT, though. : )

I hope you’re all having a great week so far!

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